Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Update on life/move

I know that it has been a while since I have posted anything, but things have been so hectic here lately!
  Besides having to worry about moving, I was very sad and busy the week of September 22. My Uncle Osiel went to be with the lord on Monday, September 19. He was a great man with an awesome attitude and will be greatly missed. This was a very hectic week for me. I was trying to do the best I could to be with my family throughout the events planned with the funeral and keep up with school work, study for a midterm the following week, and write up a looong lab report. By the end of the work week, moving and studying was the last thing I wanted to do.

We were set to move into our new house on October 15 because the apartment complex required that we give a 30 day notice before we moved. BUT... That ended up changing at the last minute, on Thursday, September 22 we were told that we could move out on Friday, September 30. I am not really sure why they decided to change our move date, I think it may have had to do with them really wanting to get started on construction for our building. So there we were, with about a week's notice needing to move into our new house asap! We totally weren't ready. We had nothing packed and weren't even sure if the landlord would be OK with us moving a bit sooner that we had originally planned. So that was extremely hectic, trying to get the date of all our services electricity, water, internet changed. Luckily Matt and a few of his wonder Kwik Kar co-workers/friends helped us move most of our stuff after work on Friday night while I had to work. I am very thankful for Matt and his friends! They really helped me out a lot.

Needless to say, we had a very busy weekend trying to get the house ready to move into and packing up all of things. My stress levels were extremely high and I always felt tired no matter how much I slept. Stress makes me very tired, physically and mentally. This was a very hard week for me to get through, but God blessed me with a wonderful husband who really loves me and helped me through this hectic week:)

1 comment:

  1. Aww!! Sounds crazy!! Glad that Matt's friends were able to help out :]


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